Commit 37ac2e2c by 吕海涛


parent 68590815
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ export default {
return '航旅纵横'
case 4:
return '自营司机(面对面下单)'
return '司机录单'
case 5:
return '滴滴出行'
......@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ export default {
prop: "orderSource",
name: "订单来源",
attrs: { width: 180, showOverflowTooltip: true },
attrs: { width: 220, showOverflowTooltip: true },
id: 18,
disabled: true,
type: "copyAndMore",
......@@ -1622,7 +1622,9 @@ export default {
sourcefun({ data }) {
let code = "";
let orderSourcesText = this.orderSourcesNew(data.orderSource);
code = `<div>${orderSourcesText}</div> `;
let routePlanningTypeText = !!data.routePlanningType?'<el-tag effect="dark" class="el-tag el-tag--danger el-tag--mini el-tag--dark" style="margin-left: 0.5em">高速优先</el-tag>':''
code = `<div>${orderSourcesText} ${routePlanningTypeText}</div> `;
return code;
passengerInfo({ data }) {
......@@ -1598,7 +1598,8 @@ export default {
sourcefun({ data }) {
let code = ''
let orderSourcesText = this.orderSourcesNew(data.orderSource)
code = `<div>${orderSourcesText}</div>`
let routePlanningTypeText = !!data.routePlanningType?'<el-tag effect="dark" class="el-tag el-tag--danger el-tag--mini el-tag--dark" style="margin-left: 0.5em">高速优先</el-tag>':''
code = `<div>${orderSourcesText} ${routePlanningTypeText}</div> `;
return code
passengerInfo({ data }) {
......@@ -1667,11 +1668,12 @@ export default {
return code
orderSourcefun({ data }) {
// return data.detail.orderSource
let code = ''
let orderSourcesText = this.orderSourcesNew(data.detail.orderSource)
code = `<div>${orderSourcesText}</div>`
let routePlanningTypeText = !data.detail.routePlanningType?'<el-tag effect="dark" class="el-tag el-tag--danger el-tag--mini el-tag--dark" style="margin-left: 0.5em">高速优先</el-tag>':''
code = `<div>${orderSourcesText} ${routePlanningTypeText}</div> `;
return code
orderPassengerInfo({ data }) {
return `<div>${data.orderMemo}</div>`
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